Product Banners

This section contains product banners of generally accepted size and format. If you are not able to find a necessary banner, please feel free to request it; our designer will draw a banner according to your requirements.

Report Sharp-Shooter

Report Sharp-Shooter 


120x600 (GIF)
Report Sharp-Shooter 150x90

150x90 (GIF)
Report Sharp-Shooter 468x60

468x60 (GIF)
Report Sharp-Shooter 125x125

125x125 (GIF)
Report Sharp-Shooter 728x90

728x90 (GIF)

Instrumentation ModelKit

Instrumentation ModelKit 


120x600 (GIF)
Instrumentation ModelKit 150x90

150x90 (GIF)
Instrumentation ModelKit 468x60

468x60 (GIF)
Instrumentation ModelKit 125x125

125x125 (GIF)
Instrumentation ModelKit 728x90

728x90 (GIF)

OLAP ModelKit

OLAP ModelKit 120x600

120x600 (GIF)
OLAP ModelKit 150x90

150x90 (GIF)
OLAP ModelKit 468x60

468x60 (GIF)
OLAP ModelKit 125x125

125x125 (GIF)
OLAP ModelKit 728x90

728x90 (GIF)

Instrumentation Widgets

Instrumentation Widgets 


120x600 (GIF)
Instrumentation Widgets 150x90

150x90 (GIF)
Instrumentation Widgets 1468x60

468x60 (GIF)
Instrumentation Widgets 125x125

125x125 (GIF)
Instrumentation Widgets 728x90

728x90 (GIF)

Instrumentation Widgets for PDA

Instrumentation Widgets for 

PDA 120x600

120x600 (GIF)
Microsoft Certified Partner


Phone: +1 (813) 514-0531

[email protected]

 América Latina

Phone: +55 (11) 4618-0368

[email protected]


Phone: +49 (0) 6202 5740 111

[email protected]


Phone: +7 (385) 256-72-95

[email protected]

As a Gold Certified Partner in the Microsoft Partner program, Perpetuum Software has been providing a wide range of Microsoft Visual Studio components for over 8 years. Perpetuum Software product lines include WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET, HTML5, Silverlight, Windoes 8 and Mobile components, and tools for SQL Server Reporting Services. Among them are .NET reporting tool, OLAP component, and such data visualization libraries as gauge and charting products.