The ErrorMessagePresenter type exposes the following members.


ActualHeight (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
ActualWidth (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
AllowDrop (Inherited from UIElement.)
Background (Inherited from Control.)
BorderBrush (Inherited from Control.)
BorderThickness (Inherited from Control.)
CacheMode (Inherited from UIElement.)
Gets or sets the error caption. This is a dependency property.
Clip (Inherited from UIElement.)
Cursor (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
DataContext (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
DefaultStyleKey (Inherited from Control.)
DesiredSize (Inherited from UIElement.)
Dispatcher (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Effect (Inherited from UIElement.)
FlowDirection (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
FontFamily (Inherited from Control.)
FontSize (Inherited from Control.)
FontStretch (Inherited from Control.)
FontStyle (Inherited from Control.)
FontWeight (Inherited from Control.)
Foreground (Inherited from Control.)
Height (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
HorizontalAlignment (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
HorizontalContentAlignment (Inherited from Control.)
IsEnabled (Inherited from Control.)
IsHitTestVisible (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsTabStop (Inherited from Control.)
Language (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Margin (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
MaxHeight (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
MaxWidth (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
MinHeight (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
MinWidth (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Name (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Opacity (Inherited from UIElement.)
OpacityMask (Inherited from UIElement.)
Padding (Inherited from Control.)
Parent (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Projection (Inherited from UIElement.)
RenderSize (Inherited from UIElement.)
RenderTransform (Inherited from UIElement.)
RenderTransformOrigin (Inherited from UIElement.)
Resources (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Style (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
TabIndex (Inherited from Control.)
TabNavigation (Inherited from Control.)
Tag (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Template (Inherited from Control.)
Gets or sets error description. This is a dependency property.
Triggers (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
UseLayoutRounding (Inherited from UIElement.)
VerticalAlignment (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
VerticalContentAlignment (Inherited from Control.)
Visibility (Inherited from UIElement.)
Width (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)

See Also