What’s new in SharpShooter Reports 7.3.1 (09/08/2015)
New: Visual Studio 2015 support;
New: XLSX cell format support;
What’s new in SharpShooter Reports 7.3.0 (12/18/2014)
Fixed: Issue with getting index out of bounds when exporting reports;
Improved: Import from Active Reports;
Improved: Font selection in PDF export;
Improved: Increased performance of relation fields;
Fixed: Issue with adding images to the Picture set control in the Gauges control;
Fixed: Inability to run font editor in the Chart control;
Fixed: Issue with the mouse pointer appearance;
Fixed: Issues with exporting pictures to xlsx;
Fixed: Issue with the charting control failure when a data source point is deleted;
Fixed: Issue with the viewer failure when scrolling big reports;
What’s new in SharpShooter Reports 7.2.0 (08/04/2014)
Fixed: Issues in PDF export;
Fixed: Issue with exporting a PivotTable to xlsx with “Keep Data Types” option enabled;
Fixed: Issue with vertical align of the Advanced Text in PDF export;
Fixed: Issues with exporting textboxes and bookmarks to HTML;
Fixed: Issue with page orientation when exporting to xlsx;
New: Amplified functions list in the expression editor of the gauge designer;
New: Ability to add FNC1 characters to Barcode 128;
Fixed: Issue with handling an empty Picture control;
What’s new in SharpShooter Reports 7.1.0 (04/04/2014)
New: Visual Studio 2013 integration;
New: Export to Excel with preserved data types;
New: Ability to mark a field as exportable to CSV and Excel;
Fixed: Issue with breaking data into groups in the Excel document;
Fixed: Missing cells in the Excel document;
Fixed: Post generate script is now accessible in the script browser;
Fixed: Issue with totals in the databand footer;
New: Ability to cancel rendering in WPF viewer;
New: Support for network paths to templates;
Fixed: Animation of an invisible control is removed. Useless CPU usage eliminated;
Fixed: Memory leak in WPF report viewer;
Fixed: Braces escaping in WPF viewer;
What’s new in SharpShooter Reports 7.0.1 (10/02/2013)
Improved: Designer of the gauge element.
What's new in SharpShooter Reports.WPF 7.0 (09/04/2013)
New: ReportSource data source loading during report rendering;
New: RepeatEveryPage is now available for Footer;
New: Ability to set CommandTimeOut of SQLiteDataSource;
New: New gauge designer;
New: About 200 new business gauges to visualize your report data;
Improved: Report designer help;
Fixed: Duplicating of bookmarks in PDF export;
Fixed: ElementAdding event passes correct container when executing drag&drop;
What’s new in SharpShooter Reports.WPF 6.5.0 (05/06/2013)
New: Ability to highlight rows;
New: Ability to handle click and hover events;
New: Path feature is added to XAML-based report viewers. It marks document elements for further manipulations;
Fixed: Issue with Conical and Hatch fills.
New: Ability to split the document into sheets when exporting to Excel;
Fixed: Issue with exporting Advanced Text element to Excel;
Fixed: Old XLS export filter is outdated and removed from the default export filters list;
Fixed: Issue with saving a document as .rst and saving a template as .rsd;
Added: Ability to change TextBox font from code;
Fixed: Issue with simultaneous saving of the document and closing report designer;
Fixed: Issues with Pivot Table rendering;
Fixed: Issue with export to WMF;
Fixed: Undo/Redo in bindings;
Fixed: Printing of the report which Title is not set;
Fixed: Issue with displaying color of the Pie Chart legend;
Fixed: Issue with incorrect work of lasso and scrolling in the report designer;
Fixed: Minor issues in PDF export;
Fixed: Pivot Table is now not allowed in the Side by Side band;
Fixed: New fields are aligned to the left by default;
New: Script editor runs upon double click;
What’s new in SharpShooter Reports.WPF 6.4.0 (01/23/2013)
New: Wizards for setting up report data source in the designer (MS SQL, Oracle, mySQL, ODBC). Now developers don’t need to build connection String when configuring data sources in the designer. Instead, they get convenient dialog windows to setup connection to the most popular data source types. MySQL and Oracle connectors require installation of additional libraries.
New: Generate Script now works in the Pivot Table element;
New: Ability to design custom context menu instead of the standard one, since MouseModeContextMenu property is now public. Please, review the following
forum post
Added: Document tab in the ribbon menu of the report designer. Developers now have quicker access to the document properties and are able to set them faster;
Added: A list of the ElementAdding event arguments is extended. Now it’s possible to get information on where the element is added to;
Added: Ability to position Page overlay element not only from the page top, but also right after the Page header;
Added: German localization is updated;
Fixed: Issue with compatibility of NewPageBefore and NewPageAfter properties of the Databand in different product versions;
Fixed: Designer panels’ layout didn’t save after the designer is closed.
Fixed: Issue with incorrect positioning of nested elements in the table wizard;
Fixed: Localization issues;
Fixed: Issue with adding shape element under Turkish localization;
Fixed: PDF export: page footer is located at the end of the page regardless of the content size on the page;
Fixed: Issue with syntax editor on the pivot table form;
Fixed: Issue with addition of PivotTable element into the SideBySide band;
Fixed: Issue with document deserialization related to the different component versions;
Fixed: Issue with rendering of non-IBreakable controls in the Detail band with the CanBreak property set to true;
Fixed: Issue with incorrect export of bookmarks to RTF;
Fixed: Minor issues with some fonts in PDF export;
Fixed: Issue with the mouse pointer visibility when no report is available;
Fixed: Issues with bookmarks and second level bookmarks;
Fixed: Minor issues with hyperlinks;
What’s new in SharpShooter Reports 6.3.0 (06/20/2012)
New: Support for Visual Studio 2012;
New: Interactive Pivot table style editor;
Added: Sample of using Windows Forms report designer in a Silverlight application;
Fixed: Issue in Pivot table with using data source that is not available in design time;
Fixed: Issue with gathering meta-information in Side-by-Side reports;
Fixed: Page number field width.